Tuesday Morning saw us take a visit to the County Jail. Funtimes! I always thought that prisoners in the UK get a fairly cushy time when they're in a detention centre. If my thoughts are indeed true, then they really need to take a leaf out of the County Jail's books. Prisoners are basically in their cells for 20 hours a day, often with 3 other cellmates, in a cell meant for 1 person. We think overcrowding is bad. Oklahoma's County Jail is only meant to house up to 1200 inmates, at it's peak, apparently it housed around 3000 inmates... now that is overcrowding. And in all fairness, the bastards deserve it if they're willing to bend the law to themselves, good riddance is what I say.
Anyways, we were taken around by two guys, one a Sgt and the other a Cpl of the County Sheriffs office. Both were, to coin a phrase, built like a brick shithouse. Seriously, these guys were huge. If I was an inmate, I'd have been scared of them! One of the guys was a member of the prison's internal swat team, and showed us a variety of the weapons that they use. At first I was under the impression that they did fire live ammunition, but then it became apparent that they fired paintball like projectiles. These projectiles hurt more than paintballs, and instead of housing paint inside them, house pepper dust, much like the stuff in pepper spray, but more effective.
Perhaps the coolest piece of equipment was the taser shield, which shoots something like 75000 volts through the inmate if they're trying to be funny. We wanted Jonny to have a go on it, but Jonny, being the wimp he is, bottled out as he didn't want to look like this:
Unfortunatley, due to that wonderful thing called Health and Safety, we didn't get to subject Jonny to it! What a shame!!!
After the tour of the Jail, we went back to MIPT, via Hoagies for lunch, a deli that we'd visited the previous week, that was en route back to the MIPT building. It was a pretty good lunch, but not the best. At the end of the day though, we can't complain really.
Back at MIPT, we had a couple more hours to spend doing our projects, getting basically nowhere, but we'll get there!!!
If I'm perfectly honest, I can't remember what we did on Tuesday night, possibly went swimming or something, but yeah, onto Wednesday.
Wednesday and we all went off to the Oklahoma Arts Museum. Me being the art enthusiast that I am, went with high expectations and looking forward to it. Of course, sarcasm really doesn't work on the internet, so that actually sounds like i meant it. Art in general bores me, especially the gobshite they call modern art. The Arts Museum was not different, there were some awesome exhibits, but in general, the rest was a load of crap. Can you seriously call a square of red on a white background art? In my eyes, no. This is art:
There were some awesome exhibits though, such as an exhibition with movie costumes in it. Pretty wicked, especially when they had stuff like Keira Knightley's Green Dress from Atonement, possibly the hottest dress ever worn by anyone in the history of like forever!!! It was soo cool!
Perhaps my favourite exhibit was the glass exhibit they had there, some of the most amazing glasswork I've ever seen:
After the museum we had another afternoon at MIPT where we once again attempted to do some work, and mostly failed as we were having too much fun playing with the camera... sports mode on it is good, but a PITA as then, instead of getting maybe 1 photo of something, I'll end up with 5+
So concluded another two days in the USA. The next post is basically going to summarize the last few days as I'm getting too far behind on the posts!!!
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