Ok so today is possibly the best day so far of the trip. Not really because of the excursions or anything, but because it was the day that my degree results came.
They were meant to come earlier this week, but Royal Mail being what they are, they came slightly later, but in all fairness it wouldn't have made any difference, what with me being 4500 miles away! As a result, I'd instructed mum to let Auntie Lizzie know to let me know as soon as they had the results. So at around 7.30 this morning I got the call I'd been dreading.
Ok so results aren't really something that I usually get worried about. However, these were much different, owing to the fact that they basically will shape my future. I was kind of worried, knowing that I'd need something good to get a 2:1 as my grades the previous year had been kind of crap. So, anyways, I got the call.
I know I say this a lot, but words can't describe my reaction when I was told my grade. Over the moon would be one I guess. I got my 2.1, which now means that I can definitely now apply for postgrad studies. Even better than that, my dissertation, which I'd worked the hardest I've ever worked on, got a 1st! So so so so happy.
Today's adventure saw me leave in high spirits, feeling the happiest I'd been for a while. We were going to a place called Bartlesville or something. To a wildlife reserve and museum, and then onto another museum. The downside to this, a 3 hour journey there and then 3 hours back. Not fun, particularly in this heat!
So anyways, after a nice long nap on the bus, we arrived, with my spirits still high. I think we were all slightly apprehensive about quite what this wildlife place would be like, but in all honest, it was pretty cool. There was a wide range of free roaming wildlife about, including Ostrich, Bison and Longhorn Cattle. Those beasts had major horns!!! Take a look!

That Ostrich loved having it's picture taken! Bloody Poser.
After we'd eaten lunch, in my case a BBQ Buffalo Sandwich, which was lovely, we all went off to do our own thing around the museum. Myself and Flick went on a Photo taking spree, up a tower and around the museum. It was a really interesting museum to be fair, with loads of artifacts and paintings, as well as quite a few animal heads!
With that museum out the way we went on to the Price Tower, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Apparently, this tower is meant to look like a tree. In my opinion, it looked like a tower, with green copper on it. Good effort.
In my opinion, forgive me all architects and interior architects, the building was a load of crap, totally impractical for any use at all, it didn't even look good on the inside. Despite this, our tour was pretty funny, thanks to Lewis' efforts to try to not look as big a pratt as possible. First of all he went to sit down on a one of a kind piece of furniture, and then on the lift on the way down, said to everyone "oh right, 5 guys and 1 girl" to which the girl, our tour guide said as we got out "well that was the most awkward 32 seconds of my life!" Lewis, you fool, that was funny!
The journey back was pretty boring again, with just a stop off for dinner at McDonalds seeing us back into the University. The evening's entertainment was in fact awesome. We all went out as a group to a local place, where our mentor, Isaac's cousins were playing in a band. It was such great music, and a privilage to have been there!
Anyways, must dash, having a nosebleed... oh well, first bad thing to happen today!!
Today's lesson. No matter what, you can reach your goal if you work like hell!
Today's lesson. No matter what, you can reach your goal if you work like hell!
Love and hugs
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