So yesterday was a pretty much relaxing day. We all were able to have a lie in, due to the days activity not starting until around 4pm. So we pretty much bummed around for the majority of the day. With me, Jon, Lewis and Chris taking a fairly early lunch at Buddy's before going over to see what was happening in the Football Stadium, as before we'd left for lunch, we'd seen a load of football players in their pads. Unfortunately when we got there, it looked like we'd walked in on a school tag football game. Not what we'd come to see there, so we decided to go back towards the accomodation, where just as we were crossing the car park we saw Isaac arriving on his motorbike. After a quick chat with him, asking if he could take the three of us (at this point, Jon had left) to the mall so we could have a look around.
Didn't get very much at the mall in all honesty, we didn't have that much time to do stuff as we needed to be back at the accommodation by 4pm to go to a theme park. I did get a rather nice pair of shorts from Abercrombie & Fitch, but that was about it.
Tell a lie, we went to get a drink, and me being the spontaneous buyer that I am, I bought myself a gallon of lemonade from Chick Fill-a, which is still in my fridge as I speak.

So there we have it, I'm now ready to dry myself off on a rollercoaster. We go on one called Silver Bullet. Here's a video of what it's like:
Pretty immense I thought, being the world expert on rollercoasters that I am!!! One small jibe I had with it was that at a couple of points, such as the first corner, I did fear for my life and more specifically my head, as the track passed by my head pretty damn closely. But I survived it, and completed my first ever loop the loop on a rollercoaster, there is hope for me yet!!!
After a couple more rides we headed off to a mexican resturant called Teds. I'm a massive fan of the Mexican and so was particularly excited for this. And I was not disappointed, a HUGE meal, accompanied by the biggest margarita I've ever seen in my life. Seriously it was massive. And to top it all off, was deadly strong.
Damn it was good! I had this triple burrito thingy, which was amazing. So good in fact, that I consciously made the decision to save the rest of it for breakfast the next morning.
Having finished dinner, we all once again headed back to the University for another fun filled night, resulting in a fairly late night, with me feeling slightly hungry so I ate the rest of my dinner. Hey I did eat it in the morning, albeit at 0230!!!
So today we all woke up significantly later than previous days, again having nothing really to do until the afternoon where we were all off to the mall again! This time however, we were going with the sole intentions really of watching a movie at the cinema. For most of us, the movie of choice was the culmination of our childhoods. Toy Story 3. It's difficult to put into words just how awesomely amazing the movie really was, I mean it was just WOW! I wish I could say more, but seeing as it's not out in the UK for another month (HAAAAAAAAHAHAHA) I can't say anything, except that come the end, I had a massive lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Lets' just say, it was amazing! So I shall just let you watch the trailer =)
After that, we had about an hour to kill until we had to leave for food, so once again we hit the shops, where I did get a couple of new t-shirts, flip-flops (as mine are about 4 years old) and a shirt. Once we were done, we left again, this time going off to a pizza restaurant, which did the greatest pizzas I have had in a while.
Another relaxing evening later and here I am, sat in my room, listening to the Toy Story soundtrack, man I love that movie!
One final note before I go, delivered by the legend that is Mr Randy Newman.
One final note before I go, delivered by the legend that is Mr Randy Newman.
What a song!
Night guys
Night guys
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