Ok, so after that last rant, I could go on another one about the events of Monday, but in all fairness, I can’t be bothered.
Monday saw us all go to Penn Square Mall, as a group, our main effort was to go shopping for a couple of hours and then go to the cinema, to see what, would be decided when we arrived at the Mall. So, upon our arrival, we went to see what was on and the group decided with a majority vote, that we’d go to see the new Adam Sandler movie, “Grown Ups”. The showing that we were to see, gave us about 2 ½ hours of shopping time, before we went to see the movie.
Penn Square Mall seemed bigger than Quail Springs Mall, the one that we’d been to before this. There was a far greater variety of shops there, meaning that there was even more opportunity to spend some money. I will say, I’ve been fairly strict on my spending this whole holiday, trying to restrict the amount of money that I’m spending every day. So I went knowing that I didn’t really want to spend much over $150, which I know sounds a fair amount, but for what I got, was pretty good. I think I was under that budget, having bought 4 or so new polo shirts and another Hollister shirt. Oh yeah and I found a Lego Shop... so being the big kid that I am, went and bought 3 Lego Toy Story keyrings, so something fairly useful!!!
Once we’d finished shopping, we all went to watch “Grown Ups”, I found it pretty funny, but then again, I’m a bit of a fan of the silly comedy movies so really enjoyed it. The plot was pretty good and involving, and there was of course some amazing eye candy in it for me. This was the 3rd time i’d been to the cinema since Arriving in Oklahoma, pretty good if you ask me, seeing as back in the UK i do very rarely go, owing to the fact it’s so bloody expensive!
Upon arriving back at the university, we all went to play volleyball again. However, not before we’d been informed that Eliot had walked off and been left at the mall... quite how is beyond me but hey, he did. It fell to me to tell Isaac, who promptly got on the phone to Eric and Scott to see if they could pick him up, which they could, but didn’t find him.
The volleyball was, to put it bluntly, intense. The teams I was on won all three games we played. With the final game being quite frankly, a thriller. My team consisted of Myself, Dan, Lewis, Lucinda and Kirsty. In all honesty, I do think that there was a sense within the team that we could quite easily lose the game, as we were up against a fairly strong team, which nearly proved our point, with us going 13-0 down within minutes. But then something clicked within the team, and we battled back to 14-14, eventually somehow winning the game 25-18. Volleyball has fast become my favourite sport, as it is pretty demanding both physically and mentally, requiring some awesome teamwork and communication between players.
Once we’d finished playing, we all headed back to the Clubhouse, where I was the first to come across eliot after he’d eventually got back from the mall, 4 hours after we’d left. His reaction to me was to be frank, over reactive and completely unnecessary as he yelled at me as if it was my fault that he’d walked off and been left at the mall. Not really wanting to get involved in any form of fight ith him, I turned away and walked off, whereupon he pushed me a few times in the back, which made me see red.
I don’t believe violence solves anything, so in my angry state, I advanced towards him, trying to make myself look as big as possible (not difficult when your 6’5” tall) and backed him off. But rest assured, it put me in a pretty bad mood for the next couple of hours!
Onto Tuesday, and the party weekend was over, Back to MIPT for our last couple of days there.
Our tasks for the day were:
1. To receive Incop (intelligence collection on patrol) 2 training. I now know all about police Informants and stuff
2. To work on our projects
Both tasks were successfully met, and at 3pm we were picked up and after a group discussion in the car, we MIPT guys decided that we’d all go off to Laser Quest, to see who, in a gunfight would come off on top. We actually met the Media Guys there, who got dropped off after scott let them know what we were doing. And the resulting 3 games were fantastic fun. My favourite probably had to be the final game, which was a frenzy game, meaning that you were only knocked out of the game for a second before re-entering the fray. What made it more fun was myself and Scott deciding that we’d play it in sunglasses, making us look fairly badass... and did it work.. Hell yeah, I came second overall in that game!!!
Onto Wednesday, and our final day at MIPT L. I really enjoyed the internship there, and I hope the others did too!!! We’ve been spoiled rotten by them, and they’ve loved having us there.
The final day saw us working once more upon our projects, and then having a kind of farewell party, during which we showed the entire staff just what we did at lunchtimes, in other words have an arguement, however, for once, this argument was actually a productive and relevant argument, about terrorism, and in particular Abu Hamza. Once again, as with most arguments we’d had, Jonny once again managed to contradict everything he said:
One of us: “He’s receiving benefits and living off the state”
Jonny: “yeah he is, but he’s living in a country that’s hostile towards him but which will pay for him to live. If he were to be deported, he’d be killed as people would be hostile towards him. Isn’t it more Humane for him, if he stays in a non-hostile country?!?”
And stuff like that, Jonny isn’t exactly the brightest spark ever! As illustrated by this:
(To OB and Chris who were flying onto LA)
“So what are you doing in LA on the East Coast, will you go down to Florida?”
Chris: “Yeah, and we’re then going to Mexico for a couple of days”
Jonny “I know a man in South America”
Me: “Laughs”
Chris R: “Jon, you are aware that Mexico is NORTH America?”
What would we do without him!!!
In the evening, we all went to Hooters. It was a pretty good meal, but the highlight was definitely the waitresses, Chelsea and Destinee who, like the rest of the waitresses were stunning and possessed on them a fairly amazing body. I think nearly everyone had chicken wings, something which Hooters is famous for, each with a different dressing on. Being a fan of the spice, I chosen the 911 hot sauce... which was pretty hot, but not as hot as the waitresses:

There were several highlights of the night at hooters:
1. Chris Stringer’s panic when the waitress asked him what he wanted to drink...
“Erm, erm erm erm yeah, errr MOUNTAIN DEW”
2. Dan. He actually couldn’t help himself staring at the girls breasts the entire evening. Even after we’d said we’d all give him something like $10 if he went 5 minutes without doing it, he still somehow managed to do fail.
When we’d all finished we all got photos with the girls, and once again, Dan provided great amusement for the group during his, as you can tell so badly that he was trying not to stare down the girls top and not to touch:
And here’s mine...
When we got back, everyone bar myself went out into town, whilst I decided that i’d stay in and do some work on my project, just as well, given what was to happen!!!
Here endeth another lesson.
Until the next one...