Barnesy in the USA

5 weeks in the United States of America.
7 days in Virginia
35 days at the University of Central Oklahoma
1 person's honest and uncensored views

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Using this again! A quick update on me

Well it sure has been a while since I came on this blog! I can't believe that my trip to the USA was almost 4 years ago now. Those memories are still with me and I'll never forget them!

Anyway I thought I might as well attempt to resurrect the blog in some form or another, given how much I loved writing in it a few years back! A lot's changed for me since I came back from the USA... for a start I graduated from Swansea with a 2:1! Moved back home and started a Masters Degree in Military History, passed said Masters without too much a lot of hassle (cue new laptop and a fried external hard drive losing me all my work!) Got more seriously into reenacting, I'm now in my 5th(?) season with the 95th Rifles and am loving every minute of it. I've been to much of the UK with them, as well as a yearly trip to Spain or Portugal and twice to Waterloo... it's all gearing up to be a rather great 2015 for us with the big Bicentennial in belgium!

Career wise I'm still at a standstill, there's not much full time job out there for someone with 2 history degrees, and so despite looking on a daily basis and having applied for hundreds of jobs, I find myself still stuck at square one... teaching swimming. However recently I've realised that actually, my true passion in life is swimming so I'm trying to get more teaching and coaching qualifications under my belt so that come 2016 when Waterloo is over and done with, I can look into teaching/coaching abroad!

So what am I going to put in the blog. General ranty stuff probably, but also more specialised stuff to do with swimming as I work my way through the coaching and teaching scene towards my ultimate ambition of Elite Performance coaching! As well as this I'll also put up more fun stuff, such as the next post which will be my all time top 10 favourite bits of film music!

Hope you enjoy!!!


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